All of the comments, below, were posted by members of FineArtAmerica.com when they learned that they were each receiving their very own Artist Website.
This is, by far, the most powerful feature released to date...
Effective immediately, all POD members now get their very own websites for promoting and selling their artwork.
I recently purchased the domain name "artistwebsites.com". If you take the URL for your FAA profile page and replace "fineartamerica.com" with "artistwebsites.com"... you'll be on your very own website!
Your website has all of the powerful features of FAA... but dedicated specifically to you:
-- The artwork page shows only your artwork.
-- The search engine searches only your artwork.
-- The events page shows only your events.
It's your very own FAA!
Plus - it's fully customizable. You can change the header graphic, header font, etc.
Your website stays perfectly in-sync with your FAA profile. If you post something to your website... it appears on FAA. If you post something on FAA... it appears on your website.
Take a look at some of these beautiful pages from some sample sites:
Visitors to your website can purchase prints of your artwork with custom framing and matting (just like they do on FAA)... without ever leaving your site!
I could go on and on... but I'll end with this:
You've now got the power of FAA all to yourself. You've got the FAA search engine... FAA image rendering... FAA order fulfillment... FAA search engine optimization... FAA events calendar... etc... all dedicated to you and your artwork.
Best of all - your website is included at no extra charge to all POD members.
If you're a POD member, please give your new site a try and post your feedback here. Your login name and password are the same as what you use on FAA.
This is only the beginning. Like everything else on FAA, these sites will continue to get better and better (i.e. more features, more customizations, etc.)