In order to make it easier for your visitors to make buying decisions regarding artwork that they can't physically hold and inspect, Artist Websites has developed a unique technology which allows visitors to "zoom in" and view full-resolution previews of any image on your website. To see a live demonstration, click here.

This feature has the dual benefits of allowing your visitors to take a closer at your image while still protecting it from theft.
For any image, such as the Lincoln Memorial image above, previews are available in square sections which cover the image in a checkerboard pattern. Previews are only available for 50% of those sections. Think of it this way - if you were to lay a checkerboard over the image, you could view full-resolution previews by looking through white squares, but the black squares would be off limits. By only offering high-resolution previews for 50% of the image, it is impossible for the high-resolution image to be illegally copied. In addition, each of the full-resolution previews contains a Fine Art America watermark which further complicates theft.
A potential image thief with a lot of time on his/her hands could, at best, recreate a full resolution as shown below:

There is simply no better way to protect your images while simultaneously allowing potential buyers to take a closer look!
This feature is optional and can be turned ON or OFF on an image by image basis.